Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Umm Uhh Yeah

So I have decided to pursue a masters in statistics while completing my professional degree. This is my decided topic for my disertation, no private funding necessary. Preliminary results are as follows.

*Names have been change to uh umm umm uh protect the uhh vocally umm deficient.

The prevalence of Non-words in accordance with time and frequency in Dr. Mummbles Lectures with further correlates between subject matter changes and also laboratory vs lecture behavior variances of vocal deficiencies.

For a total of 40 tabulated minutes of class we have:

a total of 287 "umm"s or "uhh"s (henceforth referred to as "non-words") verbalized.*
an average of ~72 "non-words" for every 10 minutes of class
an average of ~36 for every 5 minutes of class
an average of ~7 for every minute of class
leaving us with a slightly increased prevalence of one every 10 seconds.

*(This study does not include the prevalence of the misuse of the word 'and' [including those uttered between umms and uhhs] or any stuttering of actual words.)

This is only preliminary research. Further study correlations to follow between the prevalence of non-words in lecture vs. lab and changes between lecture subjects.

Thank you and have a good ... umm ... uhh ... day.

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