Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Overtime rocks my world

Hey kids, yes overtime is awesome. I have wonderfully managed to hit overtime hours in a mere two days. Sunday and Monday covered the first forty plus, and since I work until Wednesday, everything from here out is bank. Yes I know you are jealous. Perhaps I will be able to pay off that lovely credit card bill left from the x-mas fun with the money I make by working the holiday. It's one of those few good full circle kind of things I think. Woot!

Now picture me rolling in like leaves all nakedness and smiles. Ahhh ...
(frightning I know, you can stop now)

Now if it were only enough to do this kind of dive into ... I could handle that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG.. sounds like your week has been all kinds of stressful, I'm glad to hear you are making extra bank though.

Don't wear yourself out too much and try to take some time out for yourself.. it is the holiday after all!!!