Friday, July 14, 2006

Good Fences Make Good Neighbors.

So, my neighbor has decided to build a fence. And to clarify, my neighbor is refering to the landlord that actually owns the houe, along with 11 other properties in my hood. I have no quams with this idea in general mind you though I do have to make a judgement on this man's maturity. Let me know what you think.


He orginally contacts me about building the fence -- I refer him to my father (the true owner of my home)

After lengthy round-a-bout conversation my dad calls him out on the fact that he's wanting us to pay for one half of one side of one fence (this fence being not the only one being built at this times ... he's also building a fence around the house behind my neighboring house).

The man becomes defensive and states that he had no intention of asking us to chip in on the fence.

To this I must tell you, he needs no permission from us to build on the property line, so why call? Why discuss? Do what you want to do, we are independents of this decision. So why else would you call than to discuss the possibility of shared payment? .... ponder that for a moment.

Now, his defense is that "he's not sure if he wants to build on the property line or not". Now why wouldn't you?? Seems a little silly not to, but whatever. You want to leave a 3 foot strip of land outside of a 6 foot privacy fence for no reason, by all means knock yourself out. (no we actually didn't say that, we didn't say anything really, not even that we wouldn't be willing to go in on the fence thing, but some people like to assume, and we all know that just makes an ass out of you and me.)

And an ass of himself he did make. The man out of sheer vindictive juvenile behavior is building the fence 3 feet away from the property line. Of course the fence company presumed to build in on the line and had dug holes and planted the supporting pilars, and poured the cement. Why should they not have believe this? I mean, every other house in the universe has fences on the property line, or darn tootin close. Well, they of course had to move them so now not only is there a 3 foot strip of land outside the fence but it's full of cement filled holes ... woopie.

As stated before, this is not the only fence being errected as we speak. Note: the house behind me already has a fence. So, it the house next to it that is also getting a fence also having a fence 3 feet away from that fence??? Of course not. That one is being build up to the existing fence.

This guy is an idiot. And an asshole.

Enter anger and frustration. So now if we want to build a fence we're just going to make this guy look more stupid. The catch is that we have to be approved by the Architectural Planning Committe, and you bet cha this guy is on said committe. If he decided to try and dick us on it, we're just going to sue the bastard cause guess what, our lawyer fees are free! Handy little pet there. I also will come no where close to mowing that extra strip of land which may eventually be a 3foot strip of land between two fences ...(good for botchy ball I suppose) ... which is even more dumb; and if that grass get's too high you bet your ass I'm calling the city on this fucker. I hope he ends up with citations out the ass.

Enjoy the pics my friends of this moronic motion to build a fence.

p.s. I did PI work in questioning the fence builders ... Mr. Asshole has made sure to make this out to be our doing ... nice shit huh? Ass. Did I mention, this guy's an ass??? Because he's an ass or vindictive little immature shit, which ever you prefer.

(for some reason this thing is not wanting to insert pics ... perhaps these links will work)

This love pic depicts the posts as they clearly do not travel along the property line, (which is clearly demarkated by the edge of the fence that already exists at the back of my yard)

Second, we have a beautiful hole left in the ground.

Oh look, this one is still full of concrete, but they'll fix that ... yeah right.

Finally, a clearer view on how my neiboring fence is far away from my property line, but how the fence behind it will connect to the existing fence ... cheers for consistancy.