Thursday, March 29, 2007

A Temporary Bought of Bell's Pausy

So I haven't been to a dentist in 6 years ... big deal

Okay, so bigger deal than I would have wanted. But being a college student with no dental insurance doesn't really lend itself to getting a cleaning every 6 months.

Let's back this up about 3 weeks. ....

Imagine if you will, you are on a long drive and you haven't had to brush your teeth in a while. You have over the course of the day accumulated a nice bio-film on your teeth and it's bugging the crap out of you/grossing you out a bit. With no facility or utensils for the task of cleaning your choppers your resort to scrapping them with your fingernail for time being until you can give them a proper scrub. (Are you grossed out yet?)

So in the process of cleaning my pearly whites with my nails of fingers I encountered a sensitive ridge like area on one of my teeth. This was quite concerning and I immediately scheduled myself an appointment with a DDS.

This ended up being a little slab fracture of my enamel up by my gum line ... it happens, a lot of people have this. There was not decay and I was ordered to use sensitive toothpaste from now on .... so, good news here ... bad news is I have cavities. I have always had bad teeth so this was not surprising. Of course worse news is the dentist that I saw wanted to charge me an arm and a leg to fix them. No way says I!

So Today:

I went for my second opinion/fix job appointment with a reputable gentleman with reasonable prices today. 3 cavities are in need of fixing. There was unfortunately not enough time in the appointment for all to be resolved but we did get the head honcho. Of course I had to go to work immediately after my appointment with half of my face still ragingly numb and exhibiting an immense lack of motion.

I have conveniently included my radiograph for you viewing pleasure: (You can see I've already had to have a big of work done :0( )

The lovely circle on the bottom outlines the one we annihilated today. The topmost circle has the other two in it's grasps, they are directly across from each other.

One down, Two to go!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Erin go what the hell?

There's nothing like waking up to a nice Irish morning ... blizzard????

I was just getting excited about spring time, the improving weather, everything beginning to turn green. And what should be more green than St. Patrick's Day? But the Top 'O Dis Mornin' shows a fine white holiday indeed. Let me tell you how fun it is to walk the dogs in that kind of weather. I had to break out the scarves and mittens that I had so carefully tucked away for the improving weather ... or shoved in a box in my closet with wanton actually but that's not the point.

I was hoping this would be a fine day for running about the District looking for leprecans and pots of gold. Unfortunately; aside from the dinamic Missouri weather system, I'm on call this weekend and am not able to partake in the full amplitute of the fine traditions of my people. So order Pionta Guinness, le do thoil for me and beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig oraibh!

So I will continue to leave you with a few sayings in hopes that as you get ar meisce on your beor uaine, you have one for me too. And if I see you around Tabhair póg dom, táim Éireannach!! Because let's face it, it's been a long time since this lass saw some action. Happy Lá Fhéile Pádraig! Erin Go Bragh!