Saturday, September 24, 2005


I lift my glass and CHEERS! To all those out there who read things and take them the wrong way, go behind your back and bitch to people about it, and don't understand that a blog is there for the purpose of writting whatever the hell you want.

So I lift my glass to you oh one who makes me regret I sent this to you in the first place. Thanks.

And now I must go play with more blood. :0) woot! I LOVE MY JOB AND ENJOY WORKING WITH THE PEOPLE AROUND ME AT WORK! (just in case anyone was confused and didn't know that) peace out chitlins.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Yay! You're on here! I'll have to add you to my list of blog monkeys. These things are too fun not to participate in! Welcome to the club mate.