Friday, December 23, 2005

Quit your bitchin'; go make me a sandwich.

Yes friends I know, it's been many a moon since there has been a new blog post. So I guess I'll do a nice boring update with a jazzy compilation CD type twist:


Track 1: I will survive. (The first semester of V-school if over. I am still alive. This is a good thing.)

Track 2: ABC 123. (My grades don't totally suck. No academic probation. This is also a good thing.)

Track 3: Roll out. (I spent an inkling of time in KC with the rents. I got all the x-mas spirit I need by doing all of my mom's x-mas shopping for her and not actually getting to see my family what-so-ever. This was a not so good thing.)

Track 4: Who let the dogs out. (Thursday I headed back home, reunited with my poopie and got to relax. I think we were both happy to be home. This was a very good thing.)

Track 5: 9 to 5. (I'm working over the holiday. 22nd-29th which is a not so good thing for me but it keeps me from ruining Christmas for anyone else so that's a good thing.)

Track 6: Party like it's 1999. (well 2006 anyway, I'll return to KC for the new years eve evening festivities to see my sister and finish out the x-mas fun that I missed. This will be a good thing if I can figure out something to do with my dog that evening .... any takers?)

Track 7: Goodnight sweetheart. ( my sister is moving to Korea for a year, maybe two. This sucks)

Track 8: Lunch lady land. (I'm hungry right now, this will be remedied when I get off work in an hour)

Track 9: Mr. Lonely. ( xchange that with Ms. I'm here in Como all alone. if anyone wants to visit while they have break time hit me up!!!)

Track 10: Wild thang. (I just like this song)

Break it down now oh oh oh oh oh yeah.

Expect more posts over this break when I have nothing to do but actually have something to write about. Enjoy your breaks for those who have them and for those who don't ... haha.

Happy Holidays chittlins!

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