Monday, March 20, 2006

I think I misunderstood the assignment.

So this weekend was supposed to contain the fabulousness of me winning money for a sculpture in the RCAF. (Research and Creative Activities Forum). But it turns out I was much misinformed.

For what I thought was a creative contest in the art and humanities portions was not so. And just to let you into the frustration a bit first. I spent 2 weeks repairing this sculpture to make it presentable since it had endured some travel damage in a previous existance. This is also a large scuplture ... 5x6 feetish to give a better idea. I drive an accord, not the most sculpture hauling friendly vehicle. So, after much asking around for collegues with SUV's of agreeable size and the lack of truck compatability due to proposed weather conditions I was hiting the high end of SOL. I had at a point contimplated appearing at the dealership of Chevys and convincing them I was in the market for a large SUV and abusing their 24hr test drive program. Thankfully I had an appiphany the the college had vans in its possestion with removeable seats ... perfection. Just, that I have to convinces them to let me use the van to haul around a big naked sculpture ... piece of cake.

So I haul it, hoof it up 2 flights of stairs in my 4in heels. And give my presentation and parade it back home (where there was also a fabulous flight of stairs waiting for me) . Oh wait ... news flash to Welch ...

It comes to my attention at the banquet that evening that I had actually made a total ass of myself. Here I thought this was a contest of creative activities ... when behold!, it's a contest of presentation. No idea ... I am being judged on my presentation, NOT what I am presenting. Good to know. Since I'd prepared an appropriate and organized speech for this, (I think not). Thank you total waste of my Saturday. Had I know this I most certainly would not have picked such a cumbersome project to present on but would have prepared a presentation. Hell I could have in the immortal words of my good friend Angela, "Walked up there and taken a shit, and talked about it". I dare say if I had prepared a speech about my shit I would have had a much better chance at winning some dough, and would have experienced a great less hassel in the process. So there you have it, I bombed, I suck, I wasn't aware of the fine print that wasn't printed on the assignment. Blah.

This makes me, A. Welch, proud to be an American.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Top 10 things you needed to know about me.

1) In Eastern Africa you can buy beer brewed from Ashley.
[it's some sweet stuff I dare say I taste pretty damn good, I highly recommend it]

2) Banging your head against Ashley uses 150 calories an hour!
[good thing I don't bruse easily]

3) Ashley cannot jump.
[no, but I do bound and leap quite effectively]

4) If you drop Ashley from more than three metres above ground level, she will always land feet-first.
[arial acrobatics - it's the only way to go]

5) Ashley can jump up to sixteen times her own height.
[Wait, I thought I couldn't jump?]

6) Ashley is the traditional gift for a couple on their third wedding anniversary.
[Hello menage a tois!]

7) Bees visit over three million flowers to make a single kilogram of Ashley!
[I'm sweeter than honey, probubly the reason I provode prime tastiness when fermented]

8) Humans share about fifty percent of their DNA with Ashley!
[Damn, is this the worlds way of saying I've been around the block a bit? .... I think I'll plead the fith on this one]

9) Ashley will give a higher yield if milked when listening to music.
[Hey, with the right goovy tunes it's amaizing what one might accomplish]

10) If you chew gum while peeling Ashley then it will stop you from crying.
[damn sunburns ... Well, if you're going to cry about it, I'll just peel myself!]

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

3 Blocks Down

So the third block of V-school has ebbed. It's amaising I actually survived. I dare say there was a close call in there. Anyway on to new things! Only 3 days of sleeping in class this week (ending right m-fing now thank god) and then it's two days of work for me and then some fantastic friend time in Springfield. I intend on having many a fabulous photo from this weekend. So excited to get the hell out of CoMo and have some fun. Woot. Will Hoge tonight bitches (too bad I"m on call :0P )

Doing what we do best at V-school, ... Exciting.