Wednesday, November 02, 2005

So thirsty ... must have water ...

I'm still stuck in this barren wasteland that is renal physiology. I'm drying up, drowning in the sand dune of notes piled on my desk. Some one help me ... GET ME OUT OF HERE! How many hours has it been? I don't know anymore. The hallucinations have set in, pink elephants dancing in tutus. Whips of blackness moving in the corners of my eyes ... sleep ... yes sleep ... sleep and it will stop. ZZZZZZZZZ What?!?! What?!? did I go out for a moment, thank you Beetles for bringing me back to my objective. Whoosh that was a close one.

Watch as they all dance and sing, "We all live in a yellow submarine". La la la.


M. Gants v4.0 said...

I used to fall asleep and drool all over my notebooks in some of my more boring classes back in college. Gross and embarassing, hehe.

Deekette said...

renal physiology ... **vomits** The title is enough to make me cower in fear.

I can't remember ever actually falling asleep in a class although I came really close in IDS 110 and CIS 101.

I'm usually pretty good to go unless I feel like a class is a total waste of my time. However, I also wouldn't ever dream of taking renal physiology.