Monday, October 24, 2005

2 Crura + Bulb = Root

Ahh science. Science and math, math and science. All the wonderful things one can learn in school. And how different subjects seem to intertwine to create such great correlations. The best thing I learned in anatomy the other day is 2crura plus 1 bulb equals root. MARVELOUS I SAY JUST MARVELOUS! Who would have thought that after only 4 days occupying a mear ~11 hours of my time dedicated entirely to the male genetalia I would have learned such a wonderful equation. So wonderful that I felt I needed to share it with the world. Crura + Bulb = root .... GENIUS!!! The two internal muscular crura plus the bulb of the penis composes the root of the penis. Enjoy and feel enlightened friends, enjoy indeed.

I'll let you figure this out for yourself; just don't lose your head trying.

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