Tuesday, October 04, 2005

AAW DVM @ CVM UMC hanging @ da BK lounge.

Oh acronyms, how misleading you can be. And who comes up with your meanings anyway? The lazy crack-heads of society that can't just say what they mean but make it all cool and abbreviated. Well I've decided that I have the power to remake all acronyms as I see fit. If you give me an acronym I will make it mean what ever I feel is appropriate. WWJD?

Wild Women Jumping Donkeys?
Wolves Wearing Jackets of Denim?

Who knows, the possibilities are endless. Limited only by my imagination and the imaginations of my many personalities. Where would we be without our acronyms? Life would have less madness! Information would be clear! Mass Chaos would cease!

So now I

AAW (The Awesome Abash Wallaby)
DVM (Doctor of Volcano Mating)
CVM (The College of Viral Monkeys)
UMC (University of Money Capturing)

take it upon myself to thank all those organizations out there that utilize acronyms to their fullest potential by applying them as names. What do your names mean oh companies of service? Who knows, but here's what I think:

FDIC? Funding Drunken Idiot Credit
UPS? Urgent Postal Sabotage
FDA? Flatulence Debilitation Association (cause let's face it every new drug approved seems to have a fine print on your bowel movements)

Oh how I could go on ... but I'll just close with my new favorite acronym given to me by my friend of science, Megan ... V-school. What is this V-school? Good question. I'm in it, so I know; but to all of you in the dark let me give you some fantastic light. Could it be a school for the preservation and maintenance of all psychological, anatomical, and physiological parameters in which designate the big V? (Oh yes I did, I threw you another acronym, but this is a free-be my friends the big V is defined by an innate lack of sexual activity, the kind approved by the state of Missouri as legal, in ones lifetime to the present) ... or am I in fact studying volcanoes as I would lead you to believe in earlier statements; or voluntarism, or perhaps Ventriloquism? No, it is none of these things as you might have guessed though the later is quite foreshaddowing for my hand ... neh more my arm will spend a considerable amount of time up the back end of .... Well .... not a puppet anyway.

So I leave you friends for the evening with this to ponder. Farewell. "C U L8R."

Howdy Doody? I don't know but I'm sure the FDA was responsible.


Megan said...

V-School:Venereal? Varicose Veins? Vegan? What does it stand for?!?! Haha. I know what it stands for, but I'm not telling. Hope you're having fun with all the acronyms. Ew. TTFN. I hate that acronym, but right now, it works. S.Y.T.A.C.H.F.M.P. That's an acronym for "Screw Your Test And Come Home For My Party". Wish you were here this weekend! Good luck on the test Monday.

Deekette said...

LOL, nice post. I think that the greatest moment I ever had was when I had a complete conversation in abbreviations, and realized that anyone else wouldn't have the slightest clue what I was talking about.

Good luck on the test! Aren't you out of school yet?!?

M. Gants v4.0 said...

Big V? Heh, heh - based on stories that my father has told me of his own time at the same vet school I know too well what you have been up to - and I don't envy you in the slightest :)

Hope you are having a good one!